WIDER Attribute Dataset
WIDER Attribute is a large-scale human attribute dataset. It contains 13789 images belonging to 30 scene categories, and 57524 human bounding boxes each annotated with 14 binary attributes.
The annotations are stored in JSON file format. The data structure is:
"images" : [image], # A list of "image" (see below)
"attribute_id_map" : {str : str}, # A dict, mapping attribute_id to attribute_name
"scene_id_map" : {str : str} # A dict, mapping scene_id to scene_name
image {
"targets" : [target], # A list of "target" (see below)
"file_name" : str, # Image file name
"scene_id" : int # Scene id
target {
# A list of int, the i-th element corresponds to the i-th attribute, and
# the value could be 1(possitive), -1(negative) or 0(unspecified)
"attribute" : [int]
# Human bounding box
"bbox" : [x, y, width, height]
For more, see their webpage at here.