

This is a audio fingerprint & recognition library implemented in Python, based on with many improvements.


Start by creating a Dejavu object with your configurations settings (Dejavu takes an ordinary Python dictionary for the settings).

>>> from dejavu import Dejavu
>>> config = {
...     "database": {
...         "host": "",
...         "user": "root",
...         "passwd": <password above>, 
...         "db": <name of the database you created above>,
...     }
... }
>>> djv = Dejavu(config)

Next, give the fingerprint_directory method three arguments:

>>> djv.fingerprint_directory("data/audios", [".mp3"], 3)

For a large amount of files, this will take a while. However, Dejavu is robust enough you can kill and restart without affecting progress: Dejavu remembers which songs it fingerprinted and converted and which it didn’t, and so won’t repeat itself.

You’ll have a lot of fingerprints once it completes a large folder of mp3s:

>>> print djv.db.get_num_fingerprints()

Also, any subsequent calls to fingerprint_file or fingerprint_directory will fingerprint and add those songs to the database as well. It’s meant to simulate a system where as new songs are released, they are fingerprinted and added to the database seemlessly without stopping the system.


MIT Licence